Reef Drink Company, LLC

Time to get Reefed Up!

State of the art science in every bottle.

Reef Drinks is the only company in the U.S. manufacturing Delta 8 drinks for convenience store, grocery stores, restaurants and clubs.

See What REDMAN has to say about Reef!

  • Nano Extraction Perfected!

    With our sate of the art nano extraction of Delta 8 from certified hemp we can assure that each drink offers the same effect every time. Plus our Delta 8 is 3 times stronger that any other brand in the industry.

    Watch Video

  • The Magic of Delta 8 and its Euphoria.

    The Reef Delta 8 creates an amazing euphoric effect. So much so that many people prefer the buzz a Reef gives you to any other buzz. Most people will feel the amazing effects of our drinks in a 5 minutes or less. Reef Fusion drinks are designed to enjoy all night long. The more you drink the better the buzz!! Let's get Reefed Up!

Reef Fusion Delta 8 Water for hot or cold drinks.

Our Reef Fusion Delta 8 waters is absolutely ground breaking! Reef Fusion Water is hypoalergenic, sugar free, 100% natural. Reef Fusion Water is possibly the healthiest way to to get a buzz. Just imagine eliminating dry mouth while getting Reefed Up. You can also use Reef Fusion Delta 8 waters to make coffee, tea, hot coco, powdered drink mixes, slushies , snow cones and more. Finally you can add the magic of Delta 8 to your favorite drinks.

Use Reef Fusion Delta 8 Water in Cooking & Recipes

Reef Fusion water is simply water with our nano Delta 8. You can use it in any recipe where water is an ingredient. Just replace the water with our Reef Fusion Delta 8 water and let the magic begin. Pizza Crust, Ramen Noodles, Cakes and Biscuits, Spaghetti, Steamed Vegetables, Soups, Pie Crust, Breads and more..

Reef Fusion America's Favorite Delta 8 Drinks!

Reef Fusion Water is available online!
  • 10mg Delta 8

  • Hemp Derrived

  • Fast Acting Nano

  • No Preservatives

  • No Calories

  • Use to make hot drinks like coffee, tea and hot coco

  • 16.9oz Plastic Bottle

  • QR code to COA/info

  • UPC for Check Out

  • Safety Seal Top

  • Shrink Wrapped 6 packs

  • Use to make cold drinks from powdered drink mixes.

  • Use in cooking recipes

Reef Fusion can be served in Restaurants.

We offer 5 flavors of instant drinks. 5 flavors of concentrates as toppings and mixers. Plus we have the Reef Fusion water to add into coffee, tea, hot coco, powdered drinks and cooking recipes. Reef Drink Company has been serving our drinks in restaurants for more than 3 years.

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The Science behind the buzz!

State of the art science in every drop of Reef Fusion.
Interview With Kush

Reef Drink Company CEO Interview

Nano delta 8 Drinks and Designing a consumer friendly brand.

Want to know more about us?

Feel free to contact us and find out more how Reef Drink Company can meet your needs?
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America's Favorite Delta 8 Drinks!

Reef Fusion is an intellectual property company. With our partners in the U.S.A. and Canada we can manufacture and ship our drinks all over the world. Try one today and see why Reef Fusion is America's favorite Delta 8 drink.